9 October: Children and young people's perspective in the driver's seat
Ommej has hooked arm with Mitt Möllan, a hub and lively meeting place in the heart of Möllevången, as well as students at the Design Gymnasium in Malmö who, through their creativity, exhibit their interpretation of mental health/illness. On October 9, Ommej together with Suicide Zero invites four school classes in grades 4-6 to a free event that offers:
- A workshop in Vital Snacks in School together with Suicide Zero
- An art exhibition, this is how students from the Design gymnasium interpret mental health/illness
The event is offered both in the morning between 09-11 or in the afternoon at 13-15. If you are interested in registering a class at your school, you are welcome to send in a notification of interest to pernilla.andersson@ommej.se, also indicate your time requirements.
Places are limited so don't wait!
Place: Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, 214 26 Malmö. Mitt Möllan is within walking distance of the hub for both trains and buses.
October 10: A day for important adults
In a child's voice is the responsibility of adults.
Responsibility to listen.
Responsibility to influence.
Responsibility to change.
Are you an adult who is responsible for decisions and influencing the health and development of children and young people in one of Skåne's municipalities? On October 10, World Mental Health Day, we invite you to a free afternoon of inspiring and educational lectures. On the program we offer:
Dare to Tell with Suicide Zero: Suicide Zero presents its new suicide prevention training "Dare to Tell Young People" as well as other knowledge material on how you as a profession can create long-term suicide prevention work. Våga Berätta is a filmed education for young people aged 13-20 and contains knowledge about what can lead to a suicide attempt and suicide as well as how you can act in such a situation. The educational film is used as part of the work at a school to prevent and draw attention to mental illness with a focus on suicide.
"Adult Guesswork and Other Problematic Behavior" with Linda Leveau: Linda Leveau works at Kvinnojouren Lund as a business developer. Kvinnojouren Lund works with violence prevention work to realize the vision of an equal society free from violence. Linda's lecture will take its point of departure from the grounds of discrimination with a particular focus on norms that can unreflectively stand in the way of children's right to a life free from violence. "Our mission as enablers within schools and social services includes having a norm-conscious approach in order to create better conditions for all children in this way." The influence of Innanförskapet and the Normbevararna Interesseförening will be problematized together with a clear "how" in what adults can do to become more professional and less adult-guessing.
"If a child is old enough to experience racism, the child is old enough to learn about racism. Edith, Fågelbacksskolan, 15 years: Gustavo Nazar, anti-racist children's rights strategist at Grundskoleförvaltningen / Pedagogical inspiration Malmö city, talks about the consequence of being questioned, exposed, treated differently or having to be on guard as a child and part of a minority group and how it leads many children to psychosocial stress - minority stress! Knowledge of the child's human rights and the discrimination law is a prerequisite for children and young people to be able to relate to the world, name it and also change it together with adults. During his lecture, Gustavo shares knowledge and information about his work to strengthen children and young people as rights bearers.
The exhibition "artwork & stomach ache": An exhibition made by the students in grades 1-3 at the Design Gymnasium in Malmö who exhibit their own interpretations of mental health/illness.
Moderator: Hanna K Mölstad, Malmö comedian who also works as a nurse in Child and Youth Psychiatry in Malmö and as an athletics coach for Malmö AI. Hanna is passionate about young people's health, well-being and self-worth. In her work, she wants to awaken young people's feeling and understanding of themselves and their reactions so that they do not become afraid when their mood fails. As a comedian, Hanna has a witty and quirky sense of humor and wants to be able to joke about everything, but she doesn't because she dislikes a bad atmosphere. She is often presented as morbidly energetic and happy, is quick to talk when she is screwing up her own and often other people's lives. Someone said that she is exceptionally witty and unusually clever, but it might have been herself….. Hanna will lead the afternoon so that it will be lighthearted in the serious.
Place: Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, 214 26 Malmö. Mitt Möllan is within walking distance of the hub for both trains and buses.
When: October 10 at 1-4 p.m.
You register here, and hurry because places are limited
Scania Week for Mental Health
Scania Mental Health Week is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of issues related to mental health and to reduce the stigma around mental illness. During the week, various activities and events are arranged that involve everything from politicians and experts to private individuals and associations. Therefore, Ommej is proud to participate in "Scania week for mental health" week 41, which is organized in collaboration between Region Skåne and the Association of Adult Schools. During the week, Ommej together with Designgymnasiet in Malmö and Mitt Möllan will organize an exhibition. We will fill two days with the voices of children and young people, moderate lectures and arrange important, fun and educational activities, including in collaboration with Suicide Zero. The purpose of our participation is to illuminate and create awareness around the mental health of children and young people.
The program is continuously updated!