Who asks you how you feel?
Sometimes it's hard to know if things you feel or experience in life are normal. When adults know how you think and feel they can help you. But it's difficult for adults to understand how you feel, what worries you and what you want help with. Sometimes it's really hard to talk about things.

What is Ommej?
Ommej is an app that helps you tell about your situation by asking different things about your life, for example how you are doing in your family, with friends and at school.
If you want, you can share your answers from the Ommej app with any adult you trust, so they know about things that worry you or you want help with. In the app, you can also find out more about your rights, what is normal and what you should not be involved in. You are always completely anonymous in the app. Whether you want to share your answers with someone is up to you.
In the app you can also find someone to talk to anonymously about different things, via phone or chat.

Did you know that?
children and young people tell us how they are and feel in the Ommej app
think that Ommej is a good way to talk about things that can be difficult
have shared their story from the app with a safe adult

Did you receive an Ommej invite?
Many municipalities throughout Sweden use Ommej to help children and young people. You may be invited by, for example, the counselor at your school, Soc, (Social Services) and BUP (child and youth psychiatry).
When you receive an invitation from an adult who works with children, they send a link to the app that you can use on your computer, tablet or phone. If you don't have one of those, you can use the app on a school computer or ask the person who sent you the link how to do it. You can either reply in the app before you meet for the first time, or you start using Ommej together when you meet.
The person who invited you will be able to see your answers so they can help you better with things you think are important and need. You can always choose not to respond in the app or stop using it. You decide.
"It feels easier to talk about difficult things this way"
- Child, 8 years
"Imagine if I had been allowed to do this before I met youth psychiatry, then I wouldn't have had to sit through 2,5 years talking about what the THEY thought was important!"
- Girl, 16 years
“We had no idea he felt this way before our divorce. It was obviously hard to hear but I'm glad it came up so we can talk about it - he's our top priority!”
- Parent