Reset your answers

In addition to changing your answers one by one, you always have the option to completely reset your answers. Resetting means that after the reset it will appear to you as if you never responded. Your profile with people and accommodation is left as it is, only the answers are reset. An important thing to know is that the businesses and organizations you chose to share your answers with will still be able to see history from before you reset your answers.

If a lot has changed in your life since you last answered, it can be tiring to have to change the answers one by one, and then this is a good option to be able to start all over again.

To reset, go under "My Story" and scroll down to the section you see in the picture here next and click "Start over".

After clicking "Start over" you get to confirm that you really reset your answers. If you have ended up here by mistake, you can cancel by clicking "Cancel".

You can also cancel by clicking the home icon in the top right or the back arrow in the top left.

If you are sure you want to reset your answers, click "Yes, start over". You then receive a quick confirmation that your answers have been reset and are then sent to the home screen in the app.

If you look under "My Story" you will now see that your old replies are gone. Under "My profile" nothing has changed. Your answers have now been reset.

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